Sunday, November 20, 2022

Cat prednisone drooling

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Cat drooling everywhere? These could be the reasons! - Vet Help Direct. 



Cat prednisone drooling


This means there is a higher bioavailability of prednisolone—it is absorbed at a higher rate and degree than prednisone. Oral and injectable medications need to be processed by the body. Once in the bloodstream, they spread throughout the entire body system. Only some of the medication goes to the intended target, the rest could impact other organs as well. This is why these types of medications are often referred to as systemic steroids. As such, there are many side effects associated with oral and injected steroid use.

Short-term side effects are expected soon after a cat begins to take oral and injected corticosteroids. These effects will vary by dose. Long-term side effects are seen over time if a cat has been prescribed long-term treatment with oral corticosteroids. The severity of these effects depends on the dose and duration of treatment. As prednisone, prednisolone, and dexamethasone are all oral corticosteroids, they have similar short-term and long-term side effects in cats.

Short-term effects of oral corticosteroids:. Long-term effects of oral corticosteroids:. These side effects may reduce the quality of life of not only the affected cat, but also the family relationship. Cats who are lethargic or have a change in behaviour may be unable or unwilling to play and may no longer seem like the cat you knew.

In the case of feline asthma, systemic steroids may be used by a vet during an asthma attack. However, because of the many side effects of using oral steroids, they should not be used for long-term disease control. The goal of systemic steroids is often to get an immediate respiratory response if the cat is in distress. The cat can then be transitioned to inhaled steroids for regular management. For chronic conditions that require ongoing treatment, this becomes problematic.

Because cat asthma and chronic bronchitis are life long conditions, corticosteroids are an important part of daily disease management to keep the airways clear and help cats with these conditions live a normal life.

Inhaled corticosteroids are a safer alternative to oral and injectable steroids, lacking the side effects that can be common to systemic steroids. Inhaled steroids are designed to be used on an ongoing basis for inflammation and symptom control without exposing the cat to the risks of systemic medications.

There are two key differences between inhaled and systemic steroids that make them safer:. Inhaled corticosteroids target the lungs and airways directly. Unlike systemic steroids where only some of the drug reaches the lungs and the rest is spread throughout the body , inhaled steroids go directly to the active site where they are needed. Because Inhaled steroids target the lungs directly, the concentration of steroid can be much less.

Systemic steroids have to be given in much higher concentrations to ensure that an appropriate dose reaches the airways after first being metabolized and then indiscriminately sent throughout the body. Using a substantially lower dose to achieve the same therapeutic effect can significantly lower the risk of harmful side effects. The typical goals of asthma management are risk reduction and symptom control.

According to the Global Initiative for Asthma GINA 7 , the intent of management is to reduce the burden to the patient and to reduce their risk of asthma-related death, exacerbations, airway damage, and medication side-effects.

In human children with asthma, inhaled steroids are considered the gold standard treatment for long term disease management. Systemic steroids are not recommended for daily asthma control. And, just like for children, inhaled steroids are considered safe and effective for cats and are a better option for the management of respiratory conditions.

For cat owners, being informed about the side effects of injected and oral corticosteroid use is the first step in ensuring your cat is safe and healthy. Always be on the lookout for any side effects your cat may be showing after starting these medications.

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Search - Optional. Combined Shape Created with Sketch. Why Is My Cat Coughing? Respiratory Conditions in Cats. Medication Choice. He was fine when I brought him home but all of a sudden he started having loose motions and later started vomiting too. Seeing this I rushed him to the vet where he was given drip and vomit injection after which he was drooling and puking continuously. He could survive for just one more night with me and next morning he had a seizure attack after which he died.

If you really do want to know what happened, you can always ask your vet to do an autopsy, that might at least give you some closure. Definitely time for a vet check — drooling plus aggression usually means pain, typically in the mouth. Hello I have a 2 year old male cat and he is not doing so well. He is eating and drinking but he is drooling a bunch and his mouth is chattering. I am needing some advice. I take care of street cats here. Two weeks ago a kitten died in my yard.

A few days before i noticed that he kept drooling and his chin and fur looked somewhat blotchy dirty. Almost like he stepped in mud with one paw. This morning another cat at my door had similar symptoms, this time an adult and also with cloudy eyes. Unfortunately I expect him to be dying soon.

I am not sure what is causing this. Maybe there is some sort of toxic plant here. One of my neighbors has a lot of plants in his yard. I am not native to this country I am in so I am not sure which plant it can be.

Maybe it is from some parasites. We have had a bit of rain lately but even when there is no rain I notice in the morning that the ground yard soil and street are wet. I hear this can be a breeding ground for parasites. Many of the street cats have fleas and some occasionally with ticks. I use a comb for the ticks then smash them in tripled over paper towel, which i then wrap in duct tape. My neighbor with the plants uses pesticides sometimes. I am quite sure they killed a few cats with that stuff about six months ago.

They tried to tell me the cats had cancer. But i told them cancer does not kill six cats in ten days. Then they sprayed again a few days later and the same day they sprayed a cat died in their yard. And then my other neighbor was yelling at them about it. But i do not remember any of those cats looking muddy before they expired. Another possibility is that someone is poisoning them. I leave fresh water bowls out and dry cat food daily. Many of my neighbors like or can tolerate the cats. But I knew a few hate them.

One bozo told me that I was feeding the cats. I told the guy i only give them dry cat food. He told me they will reproduce if I feed them. I told him they will mate regardless of if I feed them or not. Ever since then i consider that guy to be an idiot and if i see him coming I go inside and try to avoid all contact with him.

I wish I could take them to the vet. But unfortunately I have no car and no carrier to put them in. The vet is 15 to 20 minutes away by car. And they will not let me to take an animal into the bus or taxi. Most of my neighbors are not here in the winter and i am not comfortable asking the few that are to give a ride to me and a potentially infectious animal.

So unfortunately this year i have experience being an animal undertaker. There is a wilderness area behind the neighborhood where i bury them. The good news is there are lots of cats here. Two days ago i must have fed 30 different ones. A 15kg bag of dry cat food may last only one week during times like this. Still i am sad to see when they are dying sometimes. There are a few male cats who always fight. I have a disinfectant spray that is for animal wounds which i try to use on them when they have scratches and injuries.

But it did not help the poor kitten. It is possibly a food item as i have seen neighbors give the cats raw meat and raw fish and other weird things like stale bread and rice and beans, which was also probably stale. Maybe they drank stagnant water making them sick. I knew when i saw the muddy looking patches and drooling on this cat today that he has the same issue the kitten had. And it makes me sad.

I tried a web search but it is hard to say exactly what can be causing this in animals which are street cats. I try to take care of them the best i can. Even the nasty ones. But i can not save them all. They are like family to me. My real family are either all dead or dead to me. I barely even speak with the neighbors because of somr language difficulties.

Also some of them are real jerks and they throw garbage in front of my property and sometimes I think they are throwing raw fish and chicken into my yard or balcony.

I have seen a couple of them do it before but i did not start an argument with these people. I did yell at a few youngins once a few years ago who were throwing rocks at the cats and thought it was funny. Luckily i do not see those brats around here very often. Any idea what can cause these weird dark patches and the drooling? I dont think it is mange as it looks wet, almost like mud. And the sick cats are drooling and the part under their chin is wet looking. I have dewormer pills but i am hesitant to try to give them to the sick cats because it is hard to dose the Cat a7nd i am not even sure this is a worm problem.

Thanks for the site and message board. It helps me to write about these situations. It might also be worth trying to get in touch with any local animal or humane charities, and see if they can advise. Good luck! Vet time NOW — this could easily be a thread caught around his tongue surprisingly common , or burns or trauma to the inside of his mouth. One of our kittens also felt the same moments after.

We tried giving him food but he just shows a throw up gesture. He havent drink a lot of water too so we are really worried. We tried giving him water thru a dropper, but one time he was resisting so hard that he meow-ed. Some water came through him thankfully, but its not enough.. My mom said the last thing he ate was their crackers sunday morning.

When he was also sleeping , I noticed that his mouth is a little open, and i can feel that he breathes majorly through his mouth. Hello, my cat had a seizure and usually returns back to normal after a few minutes. However this time she did not and now she is laying on her side, mouth open, eyes wide, and making weird noises here and there.

I looked it up and they said sometimes it will take a cat a few minutes to hours or even a day to fully recover…. Good luck with her! But in the midnight he suddenly threw up green liquid then, we gave it fresh coconut water. Then my cat sleeps all day, refused to eat or drink, and threw up so many times, first the color was clear then became yellowish.

The threw up is already stop but now it keeps drooling, it still resist to drink or eat. Your help will be so meaningful for me. Thank you in advance. The key thing is going to be to maintain hydrated until you can get a specific diagnosis and treatment from a veterinarian. Good luck with him. My cat is 1 year and a half, she had a rabies shot, another vaccine, and some antiparasite medication yesterday. Definitely call your vet back though and report the problem, as it might be an adverse medicine reaction to one or more of the drugs.

My cat drooling excessively. There a swollen under his chin. The last time we went to the vet they extract his saliva about 6ml but it continue to drooling again. Is there any cure for this? Help me pls. This morning my cat started drooling, excessive saliva.

Please give me some advice on how to make her feel better, vet is very far from where I live and i have to wait for my mom to come home before i get her to vet. It sounds like she might be quite unwell, so I would advise getting her seen sooner rather than later. Hi, my 2 year old Angora has been excessively drooling for the last three days.

I would love sum advice on what to do about everything I wrote in my comment… Please and Thank You. Good luck. My cat drools clear saliva no bubbles when pooping. Is this a normal behavior or should I worry?

I have several cats, and last month, one seemed to be in very bad shape. Drooling, wasnt eating, and hiding. He has since recovered, but, now one of the other cats has it. We recently had a death in the family, and there were a lot of flowers coming and going. No flowers in the house right now, but, could that be related? If there were lilies in the house, then one or both could have received a dangerous dose of lily toxin from the pollen. This can be life threatening, and if so, call your vet ASAP for advice.

Many other pollens are irritating to the mouth; however, cats can suffer severe internal burns from material like this and from cleaning products, so I would strongly advise a vet check of both affected cats. Then she started howling and scratching at her face and ran off. Sometimes the drool is pink. Although Iwe live in Phoenix, we have no scorpions in the developed downtown area.

There is no obvious swelling like from a bee sting. I see no marks, swelling, or discoloration in her mouth. Other options would include detergent pods or other toxic exposures. The pinkness is probably due to continued bleeding, possibly from local erosions.

Hi, I, have two cats and last week one of my cats indoor they have a little run but mostly indoor cats. I noticed my 2 year old cat had started dribbling excessively as he was leaving puddles everywhere he went.

I took him straight to the vets and they gave him two injections one an antibiotic and anti inflammatory injections the vet said his teeth looked fine but to keep an eye on him over night.

He was dribbling a little in the morning but it seemed to stop. However, I have now noticed today my other 4 year old cat has started dribbling I am going to take him to the tomorrow and he can have the injections too.

I have stopped this now to see if this helps. Any advice would be great. Thanks you. It could be a reaction to something in the environment — e.

So definitely try keeping them out of there and see if it works… good luck! My cat Is a year old it randomly started to drool he seems totally healthy otherwise hes eating and drinking The drool Is totally clear And his mouth looks normal to me I love him very much And I am worried.

Same thing with my 4 year old cat. I thought he was just drooling because of relaxation while sleeping. Until only today I noticed that the drool marks he leaves are quite excessive. Otherwise he still eats and drinks normal. This same thing is happening right now to my one year old cat she just started drooling out of no where and drinking tons of water. He gave her a anti inflammatory and barium. Two hours later still drooling like crazy. Any thoughts? John how long did your cat continue to drool for after the medicine was given?

Did you ever find out what caused it? All came back negative, however she is drooling quite a lot and the fluid has a slight brown colour to it. Should I take her back to the vet for a further examination? Hey, same thing happened to my cat, reading your comment was as if I had written it myself! Anyway we took him to the vet for sneezing and they said his breathing was fine and i knew he has 2 resorbtive lesions in his mouth, apparently those can come about from a teeth scaling.

They found nothing wrong with my cat and offered anti inflammatory, I declined as why would I give an anti inflammatory for his sneezes and sniffles until I knew the cause? Anyway… a week later he just looked so depressed, tired, etc. So I requested a different veterinarian politely lol and she found his gums had 2 abscesses in them, the roots of his teeth were rotting away.

He goes in for surgery in 2 days. Anyway good luck with your cat, I did research and sneezing sniffling can absolutely present with tooth root rotting. I seriously wish you and your cat good luck. I think it would be a good idea to get that checked out — sneezing and spitting and bad breath together might suggest a number of issues, and best to get on top of them early. I would strongly advise you to contact your vet ASAP and tell them; let them know what sort of product was used and if possible be ready to read off the active ingredients from the packet to them.

No toxic plants. Possibly insects, though it was too early for bees. Spider, maybe. He eats, drinks, swallows, and is acting pretty normal otherwise, purring when patted, and not running away. No froth, no pawing, no trouble breathing. He did have some diarrhea last night sometime in the box, neatly buried , but he did not, and has not, vomited. How worried should I be? I was surprised when you said that drooling can either indicate oral pain or general pain elsewhere in the cat.

Hi, I have a ten and a half year old cat, I gave him the advantage frontline and he had like a seizure I took him to the vets and they said that he needs medicine and will be fine, so I have my cat the medicine as they said for 2 weeks when they said 5 days at the least.

Was this Advantage or Frontline? There is stray cat that my family has recently been feeding and caring for in the last 2 months. I noticed in the last two days, she has been lethargic and drooling quite a bit. She sits hunched and sways like she is losing balance and looks drowsy.

I can tell she is uncomfortable and constantly moves. She seems to do this more so at night time. Have seen her vomit once. Eating and drinking seems fine. We checked her teeth and mouth, seems normal. Son dental disease is pretty likely; other possibilities include deeper underlying disease, such as a tumour or a systemic infection.

To be honest, I think she needs veterinary attention — do you have a local cat welfare or humane society that might be able to assist with getting her the care she needs?

My 9 month old kitty has been drooling consistently for about 8hrs. She has been drinking water and ate, other than the drool she has been acting seemingly normal. Sudden onset constant drooling in cats usually indicates a significant problem — common causes include toxicity, trauma to the mouth, and intestinal blockages.

I would advise trying to get her seen if at all possible. My 12 yr old cat is drooling excessively… it just hangs out of his mouth in globs. The vet said his liver enzyme count is high… he is taking Clavamox 2x a day plus subcutaneous fluids every other day. They said there are no dental issues. Do you have an opinion or advice you can help me with please?

Or would it be best to refer to a specialised hospital facility? Either way — good luck! My 5yr old cat started drooling excessively suddenly. There seemed to be no apparent reason why, and it took a moment to realize he was doing it.

Then, I noticed he was drooling. It was pretty much a constant drip from the side of his mouth. By the end of 12hrs it stopped. He seemed perfectly fine. I thought, maybe he ate something that upset his stomach?

I have now noticed, about 1 week later that his meow is slightly scratchy sounding. It might be a sign of a mild upper respiratory tract infection, or some sort of toxicity. Probably time for a check up at the vet as he may need some antibiotics. My cat 14 years 10 months had most of his teeth out around 4 months ago and had his jaw wired and then he went to have his wires removed 6 weeks later while his wires we on he used to try and scratch them off leading to them moving a little.

We had already ordered a kitten which we picked up at the end of September they get on quite well but we live in an open plan house and the little monkeys used to run all over the place but always ended up on the bottom of the bed by morning.

He does eat in a funny old way but he was getting thinner before the op but seems very thin now. Today he went on his tray and it was like oxtail soup and around the same consistency. He looks at me like he wants me to do something but he has food biscuits and fresh water.

OK, I think he definitely needs a vet check, and take a sample of the diarrhoea with you. Hi, I have a 5-month-old kitten who has mild cerebellar hypoplasia. This is especially true for anything wet, whether it be Royal Canin kitten food or just PureBites Tuna treats.

I really appreciate any guidance anyone can provide. I took her to the vet. You need to treat the inflammation and pain. The drooling is less important than the fact that your vet feels that your cat is suffering. Perhaps a second opinion from another vet might be useful here? My 8 month old cat has some swollen nodes on both sides of his neck closer to under the chin. This occurred overnight the swelling and today he began drooling. We change the litter box twice a day because he is still on soft foods mixed with regular cat food.

Recently he was sick with a lump on the backside of his neck on the right accompanied by swelling on the right side. This is different but I know they are nodes even still. No fleas or pesticides or harmful plants are located in the house. I have no current means of getting his to a vet atm.

This is potentially serious — if the lymph nodes are swollen it typically means either an infection or a a cancer. Try to find a local charity or shelter that can help you access veterinary care. Now he is worse and we refuse to pay them more money. Full blood panel and feline leukemia test were negative. They insisted on that test as they found ulcers in his mouth.

Any idea what else it could be? He did have a fever, they said, yet bloodwork was clean for infection and poison. Today, I observed him lap a very small amount of broth, and then sit and drool even more, with his bottom jaw quivering for several minutes.

My roommate is on vacation and I am watching her cat. He has started drooling excessively, has soft stool, had build up on edges of eyes and nose and when I got home today had a little bit of blood on the edge of a nostril.

She is back in 3 days. Should I take him in immediately just in case? Might be worth ringing the vet and asking for some advice? Took her to the vet and got antibiotic shot, anti-inflammitory shot and she was fine for about 3 hours. Then vomited another 4 times.

Took her back to the vet for an anti-nausea shot, and the Vet told me she needs to eat. I feel so bad for her…. Without a tongue, he is unable to control or swallow his saliva, so it just constantly drips out or hangs with mucus.

I would very much appreciate some help. Must be so uncomfortable…. You could try a pet T-shirt that does up at the front? Your vets will be able to point you int he right direction. Anyone else got any ideas? We just rescued a kitten from a gas station and she is drooling here and there. Not sure how old she is cause she is the size of a week old kitten but her eyes are green and she eats solid food, indicating to me at least, she is 7 weeks at the youngest.

Is it normal for kittens to drool possibly to teething? My oldest cat drools when he is being lovey dovey and that is his normal. This I am not too sure about. My 4 year old oriental shorthair started to throw up white foam yesterday, and has been excessively drooling for some reason, the drooling seems to come and go in waves. Her mouths like a river. Breath smelly too I bred her myself, love her too bits Can you help me. My cat is almost 1 year old, this morning when I woke up I noticed my cats front and back legs were soaked and so was his mouth.

At first I just suspected he fell in the toilet which is possible, but then I noticed he was dripping, which is unusually seeing he has never drooled before. Should I he concerned? Definitely time for a vet check! He was drinking massive amounts of water, and lost weight fast during the few days before the drooling started. I took him to the vet and his blood work showed the liver count at All the other blood counts were fine. The vet said liver failure, probably due to toxins.

He is drinking less water but not gaining his weight back. It really depends exactly what the toxin is — in most cases, recovery is associated with resolution of symptoms and gain of weight.

However, if there is permanent liver damage, e. I would strongly advise you to talk to your vet for advice on this one. Even a couple times clear afterwards.

A few years back she had surgery and had to wear a plastic cone, and she scraped her inner lip area a bit from it and there was a bit of blood and redness from that.

Do you think it could be something similar to that situation, even though the collar is fabric? Thank you. Lots of possible causes, but near the top of the list would be poisoning or a blockage in the bowel or gullet. Call your vet immediately. My is 7 months old indoor cat — never seen it drooling — sleeps in bed with me and all else. Took it to the vet — ultrasound test showed the liver a little inflamed. The vet prescribed some pills for the liver and nausea.

Three weeks earlier I brought a stray cat home that looked well eating, drinking , but had intense drooling with bad smell. Should I just take her to the emergency or wait for 5 more days? Any advice is welcome. My cay os drooling saliva and blood after having 3 teeth removed 3 weeks ago she stared antibiotics three days ago and its getting worse. It does sound like a secondary infection, which is uncommon but not unknown. I thought he had hurt his mouth on something. This evening my little cat Clinique was sitting in the window with water dripping out of her mouth.

This makes me think there has to be something contagious they both have. With the pandemic closures and me being new to Colorado, and their old veterinarian in Montana, I am going to do everything I can to get them both seen tomorrow. Other possibilities might be poisoning where both had access to something, but its definitely worth a vet visit — good luck!

My cat is 14 months old and he threw up last night, today he is drooling A LOT. Clear looks like water, seems to be acting the same, playing and cuddling as normal. He just had a hair ball about 5 minutes ago and sneezed a few times throughout the day, maybe 3 in total.

He has a good appetite and is going to the bathroom normally, should I keep an eye on him or rush him to the vet? Drooling and vomiting usually indicates pretty serious nausea, or a blockage somewhere. My 13 year old cat began drooling excessively Saturday without any other signs. It was less Sunday and almost normal Monday today but my vet told me my cat had dental issues but was currently treating her for pancreatitis so I thought the first thing that it could be was dental issues.

Thank you for writing this article. My 1 year old Male cat started drooling yesterday and I took him to the vet this morning. His appetite and drinking habits are normal, so are his litterbox duties.

After reading your article, I feel a bit more assured that this is not a serious, serious condition; there is no blood, appetite change, or diarrhea.

Anyways, I just wanted to say thank you, you are allowing me to have some sleep tonight until I can call the vet again in the morning. Thanks again!! I feel your pain. My two year old boy is drooling all day today. I took him to the vet.

Since he is eating, drinking, and playing normally, after exam the vet just told me to observe him more closely. He is going to bathroom and normal otherwise but drooling all over.

I cry occasionally and hope it goes away. I hope it gets better in a day or two. I took my 15 year old female rag doll cat to the vet last Sat. They also recommended to start her on a kidney food. When we brought her home she seemed fine and stopped urinating on the couch. Her behavior was normal. The cat food came on Tues. Normal behavior again until Thurs. She started drooling A LOT.

This continued all night and into this morning. The drooling seemed to lessen a little. We have another vet apt. My cat is a picky eater and highly unlikely to swallow anything except the food she adores.

However, her drooling began this evening for the first time since I adopted her a year ago. It started while she slept on her back.

I woke her up and she turned over… and I saw that the drooling continued. That was around 8pm. Far from it! Otherwise, she behaves normal, she is eager to play and she eats and drinks. Her appetit has gone slightly down, but she does eat almost normally. Why would this start for apparently no reason?

Today was like any other day… and yet this happened in the evening. She had a c-section a year ago and was sterilized at the same occasion. Now, a problemless year later, this hypersalivation suddenly starts… How concerned should I really be? Thank you in advance! Sudden onset drooling like that can be due to disease of the throat or gullet, or in some cases dental infections.

My female was spayed 5 days ago and has been drooling. Does the cone of shame have anything to do with it? She seems fine every other way. If not, give your vet a call at some point and find out when you can remove it. My cat has randomly started drooling quite a bit, and vomited once the night before this so I got him checked over at the vets. The vets had mentioned if he vomits or has diarrhoea then to come back.

Currently his drooling has calm down, but still continuing and he is eating less.


The Power of Steroids - Catwatch Newsletter.Why Is My Cat Drooling? | PetMD

  Corticosteroids have both short-term and long-term side effects including increased drinking/eating and increased Steroid Treatment - Effects in Cats. When giving your cat Prednisolone, potential side effects may include increased thirst, appetite, and risk for infection.     ❾-50%}


- Cat prednisone drooling

    A couple of days later, the missing cat returned home and my cat disappeared.

These corticosteroids are synthetic and much more potent than steroids naturally occurring in the body and typically last much longer. This combination of strength and length of time that they are active in the body is what can cause the serious side effects when used long term. While both have similar effects, prednisolone is the metabolized form of prednisone. Prednisone must be metabolized by the liver before it can be used effectively. Cats are not able to absorb and convert prednisone into the active metabolite, prednisolone.

This means there is a higher bioavailability of prednisolone—it is absorbed at a higher rate and degree than prednisone. Oral and injectable medications need to be processed by the body. Once in the bloodstream, they spread throughout the entire body system. Only some of the medication goes to the intended target, the rest could impact other organs as well.

This is why these types of medications are often referred to as systemic steroids. As such, there are many side effects associated with oral and injected steroid use. Short-term side effects are expected soon after a cat begins to take oral and injected corticosteroids. These effects will vary by dose. Long-term side effects are seen over time if a cat has been prescribed long-term treatment with oral corticosteroids.

The severity of these effects depends on the dose and duration of treatment. As prednisone, prednisolone, and dexamethasone are all oral corticosteroids, they have similar short-term and long-term side effects in cats. Short-term effects of oral corticosteroids:. If you can't remove it, you will need to take them to the vet. It also happens when they eat something unpleasant such as an insect which provides a bad taste. Badly administered medicine : if you give your cat the medication with a pipette and observe that it begins to salivate excessively, it is possible the pipette was not placed correctly.

If the liquid stays on the tongue rather than going down the throat, then it could be the medication and not saliva which is drooling from their mouths. Heat stroke : flat faced or peke-type cats such as Peke-faced Persian cats are more likely to suffer heat stroke. This is despite the fact cats tend to suffer less from heat stroke in general. Nevertheless, it is important that the cat always has plenty of fresh and clean water available.

Dizziness : cats do not travel much by car. Dizziness usually only occurs when they are moving house or visiting the vet. This situation is highly stressful for cats. Panting and breathing with their mouth open can cause the cat to drool, something any stressful situation such as being given medicine can cause.

Write a comment. Click to attach a photo related to your comment. I want ghe exact name of the medicine.. Hi Afreen, The first part of your question is unclear, but this article is not discussing any specific medication, simply any meds you may need to give orally. These hormones can also influence behaviors such as urine marking and territoriality.

The most commonly used synthetic steroids for cats are glucocorticoids used for allergies, immune illnesses, and as anti-inflammatory agents. Steroids are one of the drugs your veterinarian may reach for if your cat presents with anaphylactic shock. More commonly, you will encounter glucocorticoids for a cat with allergic reactions.

Prednisone and prednisolone are the two most frequently prescribed corticosteroids. They are usually dispensed as pills. Initially, these medications are dosed daily possibly even multiple times a day , but the goal is to gradually reduce the dose to the absolute minimum required to keep your cat comfortable. These steroids may be used as part of a chemotherapy protocol, to aid a cat with severe arthritis, to help a cat with allergies get relief, or topically to treat small areas of skin reactions.

They also can help in life-threatening immune conditions such as autoimmune hemolytic anemia AIHA. I have 2 adult female cats and 2 male kittens who suddenly started having this fish smelling kind of slimy drool around the bottom area of their mouth. What could it be? I forgot to mention in my last comment that approximately two days ago we wash them with strong Flea killing shampoo because one of the female cats had a flea infestation on her face.

We have not washed them since then. Could they have accidentally ingested it? The bottle is labeled strong and I had to wear gloves because it said if on skin wash immediately by 30 mins after.

All the cats including the kittens are outdoor cats but sleep inside and have never had any issues other than the flea thing and now this saliva. Should I push for a vet visit? Or should I do more research? Ah — yes that sounds likely! Definitely call whatever your local poison control is ASAP, to find out how serious it is!

Thanks for your reply. The first cat to be affected was taken to the vet, and the vet was not worried. Seemed to think it was all to do with a cracked tooth! Three cats mine have broken canines as well but three cats getting problems with them one after the other over three weeks seems too much of a coincidence. The owner asked for bloods to be tested and these came back OK. Meanwhile, my female cat was tempted to eat a little whitefish, and then some chicken breast, perked up and is now back to her usual behaviours.

My male cat was very sorry for himself, seemed interested in eating , but backed away after sniffing. He perked up after having some chicken breast. He has stopped hiding and is coming to greet me when I get home. Is there a virus which might give them sore throats or ulcers or something? Calicivirus can cause mouth and throat ulcers, if there was an outbreak in your area? To add to my comment below,. The hedgehog had just been released back into the wild after three weeks at a rescue centre being treated for a spasm of the circular muscle after it tried to dig its way out of a garage.

He was treated for parasites and all sorts of other things before release. He was always a bit remote and the owners had installed a new kitten.

He was spotted a couple of days later and seemed to have black round his mouth. My neighbours tried feeding him outside, but there was a large hedgehog also eating from the bowl and my two cats were suspected of feeding there too.

At the weekend, I was given the task of feeding and I spotted the missing cat and gave him a pouch which he licked but then abandoned. One of my cats finished it off. A couple of days later, the missing cat returned home and my cat disappeared. When I next found her, she had the same black stuff round her mouth.

She stayed hiding a lot but when she next came in I managed to get her to eat a little white fish, and then chicken. She started to recover and eat better, and my other cat finished off her food. He then went down with it. He is sleeping on my chair at the moment, but yesterday went off and hid when we tried to offer him food and water. This greeny black drool is round his mouth as well and he smells really catty. Is there an infection of the scent glands in the mouth that could be passed on. Then the horrible scent is stopping them identifying their food as edible.

My two came in at feed time and show interest and sniff a lot, but not eat. The neighbours cat and my female cat are both eating now and clean round the mouth. Another thing is that my female cat usually meows a lot and was silent until she was better. This does sound more like a toxin rather than an infection… but in any case, that definitely needs veterinary assessment!

Thatnks, The first cat has been to the vet, and has had bloods checked and they are OK. The second cat, my female, while not having her usual great appetite is behaving normally, and energetically. The male is now attempting eating, but is still very smelly and drooling. He is no longer hiding but still seems depressed. I live on the edge of a quiet village with a field of sheep behind, there is a fair bit of wildlife, UK type.

The road is a dead end not much traffic. Have you made any progress with this? Some of the other symptoms he mentioned were there as well, but I had forgotten about them. In our case there was no over grooming, in fact there was more neglect and mine particularly one was very nasty smelling. They are all well, and very grateful for the nursing they received! Thanks to this site for the discussion and support. My two months old Kitten died recently. He was fine when I brought him home but all of a sudden he started having loose motions and later started vomiting too.

Seeing this I rushed him to the vet where he was given drip and vomit injection after which he was drooling and puking continuously. He could survive for just one more night with me and next morning he had a seizure attack after which he died. If you really do want to know what happened, you can always ask your vet to do an autopsy, that might at least give you some closure. Definitely time for a vet check — drooling plus aggression usually means pain, typically in the mouth.

Hello I have a 2 year old male cat and he is not doing so well. He is eating and drinking but he is drooling a bunch and his mouth is chattering. I am needing some advice. I take care of street cats here. Two weeks ago a kitten died in my yard. A few days before i noticed that he kept drooling and his chin and fur looked somewhat blotchy dirty.

Almost like he stepped in mud with one paw. This morning another cat at my door had similar symptoms, this time an adult and also with cloudy eyes. Unfortunately I expect him to be dying soon. I am not sure what is causing this. Maybe there is some sort of toxic plant here. One of my neighbors has a lot of plants in his yard. I am not native to this country I am in so I am not sure which plant it can be. Maybe it is from some parasites. We have had a bit of rain lately but even when there is no rain I notice in the morning that the ground yard soil and street are wet.

I hear this can be a breeding ground for parasites. Many of the street cats have fleas and some occasionally with ticks. I use a comb for the ticks then smash them in tripled over paper towel, which i then wrap in duct tape.

My neighbor with the plants uses pesticides sometimes. I am quite sure they killed a few cats with that stuff about six months ago.

They tried to tell me the cats had cancer. But i told them cancer does not kill six cats in ten days. Then they sprayed again a few days later and the same day they sprayed a cat died in their yard. And then my other neighbor was yelling at them about it. But i do not remember any of those cats looking muddy before they expired. Another possibility is that someone is poisoning them. I leave fresh water bowls out and dry cat food daily.

Many of my neighbors like or can tolerate the cats. But I knew a few hate them. One bozo told me that I was feeding the cats. I told the guy i only give them dry cat food. He told me they will reproduce if I feed them. I told him they will mate regardless of if I feed them or not. Ever since then i consider that guy to be an idiot and if i see him coming I go inside and try to avoid all contact with him.

I wish I could take them to the vet. But unfortunately I have no car and no carrier to put them in. The vet is 15 to 20 minutes away by car. And they will not let me to take an animal into the bus or taxi. Most of my neighbors are not here in the winter and i am not comfortable asking the few that are to give a ride to me and a potentially infectious animal.

So unfortunately this year i have experience being an animal undertaker. There is a wilderness area behind the neighborhood where i bury them. The good news is there are lots of cats here. Two days ago i must have fed 30 different ones.

A 15kg bag of dry cat food may last only one week during times like this. Still i am sad to see when they are dying sometimes. There are a few male cats who always fight. I have a disinfectant spray that is for animal wounds which i try to use on them when they have scratches and injuries. But it did not help the poor kitten. It is possibly a food item as i have seen neighbors give the cats raw meat and raw fish and other weird things like stale bread and rice and beans, which was also probably stale.

Maybe they drank stagnant water making them sick. I knew when i saw the muddy looking patches and drooling on this cat today that he has the same issue the kitten had. And it makes me sad. I tried a web search but it is hard to say exactly what can be causing this in animals which are street cats. I try to take care of them the best i can. Even the nasty ones. But i can not save them all. They are like family to me. My real family are either all dead or dead to me.

I barely even speak with the neighbors because of somr language difficulties. Also some of them are real jerks and they throw garbage in front of my property and sometimes I think they are throwing raw fish and chicken into my yard or balcony.

I have seen a couple of them do it before but i did not start an argument with these people. I did yell at a few youngins once a few years ago who were throwing rocks at the cats and thought it was funny. Luckily i do not see those brats around here very often. Any idea what can cause these weird dark patches and the drooling? I dont think it is mange as it looks wet, almost like mud.

And the sick cats are drooling and the part under their chin is wet looking. I have dewormer pills but i am hesitant to try to give them to the sick cats because it is hard to dose the Cat a7nd i am not even sure this is a worm problem. Thanks for the site and message board. It helps me to write about these situations. It might also be worth trying to get in touch with any local animal or humane charities, and see if they can advise. Good luck! Vet time NOW — this could easily be a thread caught around his tongue surprisingly common , or burns or trauma to the inside of his mouth.

Your vet would need to do a physical exam to determine if there is a blockage. Diseases such as liver hepatic disease, renal kidney disease, pancreatitis, hyperthyroidism, and diabetic ketoacidosis , just to name a few, are other potential causes for nausea and drooling.

If your veterinarian suspects either of these disease processes, they may recommend abdominal ultrasound, endoscopy, or biopsy of the affected tissue. Unfortunately, cats are at risk for developing cancer, just like humans. If a cat has a cancerous mass involving the tongue or back of the throat, they may:. Not be able to fully close their mouth if they have a large oral mass or if there is a mass on their jawbone.

Fractures of the jaw or skull and oral ulcerations from burns caused by chewing on electrical cords can also cause drooling in cats. Cats with fracture trauma may require surgical intervention.

Those that chew on electrical cords most commonly seen in kittens need pain control and possibly other supportive care, including a soft diet. Cats can drool if they taste something bitter, such as oral medications.

The drool can be quite dramatic in this case.

Steroids can be lifesaving drugs, but they can also have deleterious side effects. So, what do you do when the veterinarian suggests using a steroid? Well, first, you need to understand that these compounds occur naturally in your cat and are essential for health.

The adrenal gland is the primary producer of steroids, but other organs can produce certain steroids as well. Production in the adrenal glands occurs in response to the secretion of ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone by the anterior pituitary gland. Steroids can also be manufactured synthetically and used to treat a variety of health conditions. Glucocorticoids are important in modulating inflammatory responses. Mineralocorticoids help to maintain electrolyte homeostasis. Regulating electrolytes, such as sodium and potassium, is important for the function and survival of virtually all cells in the body.

Aldosterone is the primary mineralocorticoid in the cat and acts on the kidneys to conserve sodium and excrete potassium. Sodium balance is important for normal hydration and for the function of skeletal and heart muscle and the nervous system. The primary sex steroids or hormones in cats are estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.

These compounds are important for the secondary sex characteristics in cats and for reproductive health and fertility. Depending on the breed, these characteristics may include body size, coat quality and color, and head size.

These hormones can also influence behaviors such as urine marking and territoriality. The most commonly used synthetic steroids for cats are glucocorticoids used for allergies, immune illnesses, and as anti-inflammatory agents.

Steroids are one of the drugs your veterinarian may reach for if your cat presents with anaphylactic shock. More commonly, you will encounter glucocorticoids for a cat with allergic reactions. Prednisone and prednisolone are the two most frequently prescribed corticosteroids. They are usually dispensed as pills. Initially, these medications are dosed daily possibly even multiple times a daybut the goal is to gradually reduce the dose to the absolute minimum required to keep your cat comfortable.

These steroids may be used as part of a chemotherapy protocol, to aid a cat with severe arthritis, to help a cat with allergies get relief, or topically to treat small areas of skin reactions. They also can help in life-threatening immune conditions such as autoimmune hemolytic anemia AIHA.

These medications should only be used as needed while other therapies, potentially aimed at the cause of the health problem, are instituted. For example, prednisone can control itching due to a flea allergy and make the cat comfortable, but the flea infestation needs to be dealt with.

Side effects of steroid use include increased drinking and urinating along with an increase in appetite. You might notice your cat being more lethargic than usual. These short-term side effects will usually return to normal once the medication is stopped. Steroid treatments should not be stopped abruptly unless told otherwise by your veterinarian.

Long-term usage can lead to more troubling problems. Loss of muscle and skin thickness along with hair loss is common. There is a risk of developing diabetes mellitus.

Anabolic steroids such as testosterone made in the testes can help with adding muscle mass to a debilitated cat and are sometimes used to treat cases of anemia. For some cats, steroids may make the difference between life and death or may be essential for a cat to enjoy a good quality of life. These medications do come with some side effects, however, and should only be used under veterinary guidance.

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Corticosteroids have both short-term and long-term side effects including increased drinking/eating and increased Steroid Treatment - Effects in Cats. When giving your cat Prednisolone, potential side effects may include increased thirst, appetite, and risk for infection. Your cat may drool after being given medicine because they don't like the taste. They don't understand the medication is necessary and may. Medicating cats is more easily achieved by placing the animal up on a to the medication, so do not panic if your cat begins to drool. Here are some reasons why cats drool and some signs to look for so you know when your cat's drooling requires a vet visit. Is It Normal for Cats. David Harris Apr 9, How worried should I be? Good luck with him. If the liquid stays on the tongue rather than going down the throat, then it could be the medication and not saliva which is drooling from their mouths. There are a few male cats who always fight. He gave her a anti inflammatory and barium. Now, a problemless year later, this hypersalivation suddenly starts… How concerned should I really be?

Cats drooling when they are happy and relaxed, for example, drooling while being petted, can be normal behavior. There are several underlying health conditions that can cause cats to drool.

The following are the most common. Cats with dental disease, which can consist of gingivitis gum inflammation , stomatitis oral inflammation , tartar, and cat cavities feline oral resorptive lesions or FORL s can drool.

Your veterinarian can perform an oral exam to evaluate your cat for the presence of dental disease. If dental disease is found, they will also recommend a dental treatment. Sometimes, upper respiratory tract viruses can cause oral ulceration s and drooling in cats.

A lot of these kitties have a history of:. Your veterinarian will perform a full exam and treat your cat according to the clinical signs present.

Cats that are drooling and not eating could be nauseous. Your cat may have a history of vomiting in addition to drooling, but this is not always the case. Cats can become nauseous for several reasons. Gastrointestinal GI foreign body blockage is one cause of nausea in cats, which can lead to drooling. Your vet would need to do a physical exam to determine if there is a blockage. Diseases such as liver hepatic disease, renal kidney disease, pancreatitis, hyperthyroidism, and diabetic ketoacidosis , just to name a few, are other potential causes for nausea and drooling.

If your veterinarian suspects either of these disease processes, they may recommend abdominal ultrasound, endoscopy, or biopsy of the affected tissue. Unfortunately, cats are at risk for developing cancer, just like humans. If a cat has a cancerous mass involving the tongue or back of the throat, they may:. Not be able to fully close their mouth if they have a large oral mass or if there is a mass on their jawbone.

Fractures of the jaw or skull and oral ulcerations from burns caused by chewing on electrical cords can also cause drooling in cats. Cats with fracture trauma may require surgical intervention. Those that chew on electrical cords most commonly seen in kittens need pain control and possibly other supportive care, including a soft diet. Cats can drool if they taste something bitter, such as oral medications.

The drool can be quite dramatic in this case. Try offering water or a treat after medicating your cat to help wash the bad taste out of their mouth. Cats may drool if they have a neurological disease that interferes with their ability to move food around their mouth and swallow. These cats would potentially have other neurological signs, such as:. If a cat has problems with the nerves in their head cranial nerves , you would see more localized signs affecting their face only versus a health condition that affects their whole body, which could cause signs in multiple areas.

Many disease processes can cause neurological signs in cats. Your veterinarian will perform an exam to identify the problem and can then set up a plan for diagnostics and treatment. Some cats drool when being petted because they are happy and relaxed. Get practical pet health tips, articles, and insights from our veterinary community delivered weekly to your inbox.

Written by:. Is It Normal for Cats to Drool? Why Do Cats Drool? Dental Disease Cats with dental disease, which can consist of gingivitis gum inflammation , stomatitis oral inflammation , tartar, and cat cavities feline oral resorptive lesions or FORL s can drool. In addition to drooling, a cat with dental disease may: Have a difficult time eating Chew with their head to the side Drop pieces of food Prefer soft food over hard kibble Have bad breath Have blood-tinged saliva Your veterinarian can perform an oral exam to evaluate your cat for the presence of dental disease.

Upper Respiratory Infections Sometimes, upper respiratory tract viruses can cause oral ulceration s and drooling in cats. Nausea Cats that are drooling and not eating could be nauseous.

A Blockage in the Gastrointestinal Tract Gastrointestinal GI foreign body blockage is one cause of nausea in cats, which can lead to drooling. Underlying Health Condition Diseases such as liver hepatic disease, renal kidney disease, pancreatitis, hyperthyroidism, and diabetic ketoacidosis , just to name a few, are other potential causes for nausea and drooling.

Neoplasia Cancer Unfortunately, cats are at risk for developing cancer, just like humans. Bitter Taste Cats can drool if they taste something bitter, such as oral medications. Neurological Disease Cats may drool if they have a neurological disease that interferes with their ability to move food around their mouth and swallow. These cats would potentially have other neurological signs, such as: Difficulty picking up food Problems with chewing Difficulty moving their tongue Balance issues Whole-body weakness If a cat has problems with the nerves in their head cranial nerves , you would see more localized signs affecting their face only versus a health condition that affects their whole body, which could cause signs in multiple areas.

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